
Note the typical errors key can vary wildly between routes. Some return an array, some return an object with keys referencing what the error is for, others don't return it at all. Assume all routes are inconsistent with each other. Errors can also be combined. For instance, no content errors are typically paired with too short errors.

Access Denied

Typically shows on this you cannot do, like deleting posts.

403 Forbidden
    "success": false,
    "reason": "Access Denied"
Unpermitted Parameter

This will show for any parameters you cannot use, including those that do not exist.

Not all routes validate parameters, some ignore them.

403 Forbidden
    "success": false,
    "reason": "found unpermitted parameter: :name"
Numbered Pagination Too High

Numbered pagination cannot go beyond 750*, use a/b pagination instead.

* /post_versions has a completely different limit. You can only traverse through the 10,000 most recent entries via numbers (501 when limit=20, 133 when limit=75, 31 when limit=320).

410 Gone
    "success": false,
    "message": "You cannot go beyond page 750. Please narrow your search terms.",
    "code": null
Account Too New

Account must be older than 1 week.

422 Unprocessable Entity
    "errors": {
        // the specific key and wording may vary
        "base": [
            "User can not yet perform this action. Account is too new."
422 Unprocessable Entity
    "errors": {
        // specific wording and keys may vary
        "creator": [
            "have reached the hourly limit for this action"

Returned on routes blocked users cannot use.

401 Unauthorized
    "success": false,
    "message": "Account is banned: forever",
    "code": null

Last updated